Most Valuable Cards from “Battle Partners,” Huge Error on Gold N’s Zoroark ex
The average card prices of battle partner cards were gathered from auction websites. These prices give us a clue of the initial interest in these cards. Remember prices can change daily and peoples taste changes over time. These are the most valuable cards in the set as of January 24th:
- Lillie’s Clefairy ex (SIR): 58,000 yen (£302.00)
- Iono’s Bellibolt ex (SIR): 31,000 yen (£161.45)
- N’s Zoroark ex (SIR): 16,000 yen (£83.33)
- Iono’s Bellibolt ex (Gold): 11,000 yen (£57.30)
- Hop’s Zacian ex (SIR): 7,200 yen (£37.50)
- Salamence ex (SIR): 6,000 yen (£31.25)
- N’s Zoroark ex (Gold): 5,800 yen (£30.20)
- Iris’s Fighting Spirit (FA): 5,200 yen (£27.08)
- Lillie’s Clefairy ex (FA): 4,500 yen (£23.44)
- Volcanion ex (SIR): 4,300 yen (£22.40)
These prices do not factor in additional costs such as VAT, shipping charges and customs charge, which is why you should shop at (shameless plug), to not have to deal with the extra mathematical jargon. Use discount code TCGEMP for £5 off.
Illustration Rares featuring Trainers tend to be much more valuable than regular Pokémon cards, as they showcase the Trainers in the artwork. The rest of the set's regular IRs range from 280 to 480 yen, with Swinub being the cheapest (RIP Dawn).
There appears to be a common misprint of the set’s gold N’s Zoroark ex. It accidentally uses the texture of the Special Illustration Rare version. The error version currently costs around 80,000 yen (£416.66), which technically makes it the most valuable card from the set.